Synovetin OA

We have our license and we are starting to treat patients!
For a consultation, please fill out the form below!

Relief from canine osteoarthritis.

Dogs get arthritis in their joints just like people do. In fact, an estimated 1 in 4 adult dogs in the US has canine osteoarthritis (OA). Once your dog’s cartilage begins to break down, the bones start rubbing against each other causing pain… it’s a vicious cycle. Some of the normal daily activities that can be affected include:

  • Difficulty going up and downstairs
  • Struggling to get up after lying down
  • Trouble walking on slick floors
  • Problems hopping in and out of vehicles
  • Difficulty jumping on and off furniture
  • Behavioral changes

Although joint supplements and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective in treating some dogs, others may have side effects or fail to get significant relief from these products. A revolutionary new treatment – Synovetin OA –  can help break that cycle with just one treatment in the elbow and other synovial joints.

Synovetin OA® is a novel, conversion electron therapy that targets macrophages and synoviocytes in the injected joint. After receiving a sedative, your dog will be injected with Synovetin OA directly in the affected joints. Your dog can then return home to resume normal activity.

One dose provides up to 12 months of relief

This new therapy contains microparticles that treat the disease at its source. Once injected, these particles are absorbed by and deactivate the inflammation-producing cells that cause the joint damage and pain of OA. It is a targeted way to treat OA and relieve pain and inflammation for up to 1 year.

Prior to treatment, a detailed physical examination is conducted to assess your dog’s neurologic and orthopedic condition.

If you are interested in getting on the waiting list for a consultation for Synovetin OA, please complete this form.


Starting Monday, April 8th through the end of September, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will begin their road resurfacing project along Waukegan Road from Lake Cook Road to Half Day Road (IL 22). Please allow additional travel time to our hospital during the construction. Learn More: Waukegan Road Resurfacing Project